Ho scoperto leggendo in giro ch'è possibile usare il CCP per poter controllare il nostro Gorillone, dato che non mi trovo molto a mio agio scuotere il wiimote per farlo rotolare vorrei sapere se qualcuno è in grado di spiegari come creare i file da inserire nella SD del wii, vi dico quello che uso un wii pal e Cfg Loader e la versione pal del gioco naturalmente.
ho trovato questi due codici rilasciati da Crediar:
Hi guys.
as you might know I added classic controller support to DKCR.
It currently works via asm and is not using any geckoos codes but I thought maybe you can make some with my help, so the masses can enjoy playing it with the CC!
First of all two patches which allow the CC to be connected:
0x80389B90 = 0x38A00000;
0x8038710C = 0x28000009;
The tricky part is the button remapping, I've done this via hooking a function and then just used asm to do it.
Here are the important offsets:
0x805CBCE8 Holds the wiimote button status
0x805CBD48 Holds the CC button status
0x805CBE6E Set this to 0x12D or so to trigger the shake effect
(Player 2 should be at 0x805CBCE8 + 0x180)
I have never done anything with gecko codes so I thought I let the guys who know their way around them handle it.
Qui il file.Txt
Donkey Kong Country Returns
C24A5F70 00000020
38210050 7C0802A6
80B50060 48000041
80950000 7CA52378
90B50000 80B50064
4800002D 80950004
7CA52378 90B50004
80B50068 48000019
80950008 7CA52378
90B50008 7C0803A6
4E800020 70A40200
2C040000 4182000C
38C0012D B0D50186
38C00000 70A40800
2C040000 41820008
60C68000 70A40020
2C040000 41820008
60C60200 70A40040
2C040000 41820008
60C60100 70A40001
2C040000 41820008
60C60002 70A40002
2C040000 41820008
60C60008 70A48000
2C040000 41820008
60C60004 70A44000
2C040000 41820008
60C60001 70A40400
2C040000 41820008
60C60010 70A41000
2C040000 41820008
60C61000 7CC53378
60000000 00000000
04389B90 38A00000
0438710C 28000009