Il coder Attila si congeda dall'anno vecchio rilasciando una nuova versione del suo homebrew di sistema, ecco le novità:
Version 3.01
- Added the utilisation of the ios/titles from the nand in addition to the wads from sd/usb or from nintendo's server.
So on WiiU, it isn't mandatory anymore to have the wad files.
But you must have exactly the same revision on the nand, and the file shouldn't be modified.
- Updated the WiiU specific patchs by damysteryman (patch of the error 1017 and 1029). Thanks to him.
- Fixed the selection of an IOS and the non scan of an IOS in the menu "Perform the test".
- Fixed the installation of a cMIOS.
- Fixed the list of the IOS source for the d2x cIOS on Wii.
- Changed the signature of the d2x cIOS v10/v10-alt to beta52 and beta53-alt.
- On WiiU, when selecting an IOS, the 249 isn't auto selected by default because the d2x cIOS doesn't patch the error -1017 on WiiU. The IOS 36 (if modified) will be preferable.
Version 3.00
- Version compatible WiiU in Wii mode and Wii.
- Added for initial support to the Wii mode of the WiiU. In this mode, you can (at the moment) only do a test, install or uninstall a wad, export some informations or install a cIOS (d2x v10).
- Updated the cIOS d2x to v10 and v10 alt. The alt version is marqued as v10.1.
- Modification of all the tests, ios and channels to match the WiiU.
- Added an anti brick Wii and WiiU, to prevent the installation of an IOS intended for one on the other. This protection is in place in the "wad" menu and in the others menu when installing an IOS.
- On WiiU: The download of IOS is impossible. You should place the wad files on SD or USB. You can created the wad files with FSToolboxx and Showmiiwads-mod by Orwel. The created files should be named like IOSXY-64-v1337.wad.
- Added a protection in the wad menu which prevent the installation of a stub on the slot used by the system menu, or the uninstallation of this ios.
- Fixed the uninstallation of a wad without a cIOS.