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ProgSkeet v1.1 Crystal Blue Limited Edition!

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Noob Helper
Noob Helper
    Linux Firefox
Messaggi: 6217
Iscritto il: 03/08/2010, 10:38
Località: Castelvetro di Modena
Grz inviati: 63 volte
Grz ricevuti: 662 volte

Sembra essere ritornati agli inizi...la corsa agli armamenti dei creatori dei chip, un pò come successe per i dongle USB ecco che ora un po' tutti iniziano a scopiazzarsi. Secondo un annuncio fatto poco tempo fa il ProgSkeet sarebbe stato possibile montarlo senza saldature, ecco che è iniziata la produzione!
Questo è ciò che comunica il Team:
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Attached is the new picture of PROGSKEET V1.1 L.E. in distribution right now to our resellers (we start shipping tomorrow).

The new version of PROGSKEET has these small changes:

2 - 3.3V and 1.8V selection (1.8V nands like IPHONE are supported)

Also during next days a new version of the PROGSKEET software will be release, the main target is add the DUAL NAND feature to PROGSKEET. We start to ship soon the samples of solderless tool including the NAND PCB to all our BETA TESTERS.

For all the "old" 1.0 WHITE progskeet customers we attach here a DATA SHEET of the SOCKET ZIF 50 PIN used on PROGSKEET… is a common part that all can buy on Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. , Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. and other distributors. We are also offering this socket for a cheaper price to our distributors, you will find sure online when we star the distribution of the solderless tools. So all SOLDERLESS tools are compatible with WHITE 1.0 PROGSKEET version.

We hope to show during the next week the first NOR CLIP tool 100% solderless, and also the NOR PCB a nice add on to allow the FULL DUAL NOR feature.

The production of SOLDERLESS tools start end this week and it takes about 2 weeks to be done. We remember here the kits that will be available:

ADAPTOR PCB: the board with 50 pin zif socket and 2 x 32 PIN zif socket. The kit include a 5 CM - 50 PIN flat cable
NAND SOCKETS: The solderless socket to connect PROGSKEET to a NAND FLASH TSOP. The kit include a 20 CM - 32 PIN "special" flat cable
NAND PCB: The 1GBIT nand flash with 32 PIN zif sockets. Necessary to enable DUAL NAND feature. The kit include a 3 CM - 32 PIN flat cable

PROGSKEET main word is VERSATILE, customers will be able to use it on ALL kind of devices, and also will buy ONLY the things that are necessar !!


In parole povere, ora il ProgSkeet è solderless (ossia non richiede più saldature!), e inoltre, ha una potenza configurabile che varia tra 1.5 volt e 3.3 volt!

Fonti: ps3-ita.com
wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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Manual Maker
Manual Maker
    Windows XP Internet Explorer 8
Messaggi: 1299
Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
Località: Italico del nord
Grz inviati: 73 volte
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qui il kit solderless con dual nand

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