Disponibile da qualche ora un altro aggiornamento per l'ormai strafamoso programma homebrew creato da Dean: stiamo parlando di MultiMan, l'homebrew multifunzione per PS3 con Custom Firmware che racchiude in un unico tool un Backup Manager, un File Manager, un Server FTP e molto alto ancora.
Questo il testo che accompagna questa release:
- Codice: Seleziona tutto
Update version 02.06.02:
multiMAN versions 01.10.00-02.06.00 ran in VSYNC mode (it caused barely-noticed tearing because of the double refresh rate).
Latest update compensates the speed by lowering multiMAN performance in XMMB mode, while keeping the outlook. It means no tearing (unless you really want it – switch with SELECT+SQUARE)..
Opening a SIDE menu will make current entry icon zoom 8x and visible enough in 480p/576p modes. Looks pretty in photo, music, game/fave/retro columns.
“Key Repeat Delay” for some reason was ignored when changing it… Now fixed.
Update is available online, too.