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Messaggio PSIDPatch 
Inviato: 26/02/2011, 18:52
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PSIDPatch 1.6

-Patch PSID da dev_usb / psid.txt
-Patch PSID di numeri casuali
-Patch Console ID da dev_usb / consoleid.txt

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PSIDPatch 1.5
Updated PSIDPatch 1.5, now it can also change the Console ID sent to PSN, although if the ID isn't valid you'll get a nice 8002A224 error.
Included a sample consoleid.txt file too.

Updated PSIDPatch 1.2 for 3.55 consoles. SELF is signed and the package is "signed".
1.2 also lets you generate a random PSID now, no need for txt files
Also, removed the confirmation screens.

PSID is your playstation's unique identifier to Sony, this program will patch the loaded PSID in memory to one of your choice. This won't permanently patch your PSID, but *MIGHT* let you fool PSN. Best way to test this is for somebody with a banned PS3 to try changing it and going online.

Please note that I'm not sure if PSID is what is actually used for bans! Apparently the ID used for banning is generated using the PSID, but I think that the result of this generation *MIGHT* be stored somewhere in memory. If it is, this tool is worthless for PSN until that result is found.

Made and tested on a 3.41 PS3 for 1.0, 3.55 PS3 for 1.2... Although not tested online by me!
If your using a different version and patching doesn't work properly please contact me and we'll work out a fix

+ Shows you current PSID
+ Shows you current Console ID
+ Patch PSID from dev_usb/psid.txt
+ Patch PSID to random number
+ Patch Console ID from dev_usb/consoleid.txt
+ Patch ConsoleID (line 2) to random number
+ Choose USB to load from

Install package
Run PSIDPatch
Press Cross to patch PSID with a random number, or Square to patch ConsoleID.
Or.. if you want to use your own:
Create a text file called psid.txt/consoleid.txt on root of your USB
Put 32 hex characters inside (e.g. 1234567890ABCDEFFEDCBA0987654321) or 64 for ConsoleID
Open PSIDPatch, choose your USB using Up/Down arrows and press R1 to patch.

Technical Stuff:
PSID starts at 0x800000000044A18C in 3.41, 0x800000000045218C in 3.55. It is 16 bytes long.
Two identicle Console ID's exist in memory: one which is 32 bytes at
0x80000000003C2EF0 and another which is 16 bytes at 0x8000000000452174.
PSN seems to use the second one, but PSIDPatch patches both.

AFAIK console id spoofing doesn't work, Sony might operate on a
whitelist basis... If somebody can message me their console id, I'd be
happy to try it out on mine to see if it could be something else.

Mathieulh/RichDevX - bragging about PSID stuff on twitter, if it was a private convo I never would of started this
user - Fixing CFWLoad code so no SCE confidential stuff is included, thanks man
djekl - Random PSID idea, can't believe I didn't think of that...

- stoker25
Ultima modifica di travis96 il 03/03/2011, 20:55, modificato 3 volte in totale.
wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 27/02/2011, 21:03
puo essere utile se io la attivo prima di andare online su fuckpsn almeno se m bannano, bannano quel id "finto"?
1. Sei un otaku da quando ti sei innamorato di un personaggio degli anime.
2. Sei un otaku da quando i tuoi hard disk sono pieni di anime.
3. Sei un otaku da quando, leggendo le battute di un personaggio di una novel, ti sei messo a doppiarlo.
4. Sei un otaku da quando hai cominciato a restare sveglio fino all'alba per vedere gli anime trasmessi a tarda notte.
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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 27/02/2011, 21:11
Certo, altimenti a cosa servirebbe? XD
wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 27/02/2011, 21:24
zuci19 ha scritto:puo essere utile se io la attivo prima di andare online su fuckpsn almeno se m bannano, bannano quel id "finto"?

Sì, però per andare online devi usare comunque un ID valito, altrimenti ti da errore ;)
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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 15/03/2011, 17:34
chi è cosi gentile da fare una guida su come si usa??? grazie!=)
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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 17/03/2011, 16:56
Scusate tra PSIDPatch, Fuckpsn, e Sproof 3.60 non ci capisco più nulla: qual'è la soluzione attualmente migliore?
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Messaggio Re: PSIDPatch
Inviato: 17/03/2011, 17:07
CFW 3,55 PS3ITA + PsIDpatch
wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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