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Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!

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Wii Master
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Messaggio Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN! 
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 19:54
Un nuovo coder, Naima, ha da poco rilasciato un nuovo Custom Firmware per PS3, identico a quello di Kmeaw (basato quindi sul 3.55) ma con la particolarità di avere già integrato il certificato di Charles, in modo quindi da poter usare la procedura di collegamento al PSN senza dover andare a copiare a mano il certificato all'interno della flash della vostra PS3.
Naturalmente, dovendo reinstallare tutto il Firmware, si consiglia di procedere con molta attenzione nel suo utilizzo, inoltre lo stesso coder ci consiglia di tornare al Firmware Ufficiale 3.55 e solo dopo procedere all'installazione di questo Custom Firmware.

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Ecco la release:
Following the publication of which is news of the day for many, I mean the details of how to perform a man-in-the-middle authentication mechanism based on SSL using PSN in order to access their services from consoles PS3 firmware which is earlier than the last official, we can read widely in the forums to the large number of people expressing their problems for the process.
One of the most common problems is the replacement of a CA certificate in the flash needed for the attack to work.

Without CFW to integrate the certificate is replaced need to venture to write to the flash through more complex, which in principle should not present risks, but in inexperienced hands the possibility of causing damage.
After thinking seriously about to publish a CFW with this change made I decided to do so only to avoid any disaster that might cause someone to console and to offer a convenient solution for anyone wishing to investigate the SSL communications PS3 does.

What makes this CFW?
It brings no newly issued by the reason that I did not want a detailed explanation of the reasons you can find then
simply for comfort, convenience of which can have up to now.

What features do you have?
The minimum necessary in order to provide stability.
- Support for Peek / Poke through patching lv1, lv2_kernel (Thanks to Flukes)
- Add ‘Install Package Files’ by modifying category_game.xml
- Installing. Pkg unsigned nas_plugin.sprx by patching (the only method that does not mean Sony reveal key)
- Replacement of CA24.cer CA certificate by including in the implementation Charles Web Debugging Proxy

Why replace rather than add and we chose the 24?
Because it is not known if they add, and we chose the 24 because the license is included in the PS3 is outdated and therefore no longer valid.
The 27 also has expired. Replace an expired certificate is not therefore valid, would imply unwanted side effects.

Why replace it by including Charles?
Because any CA certificate which has the private key we serve, one that we generate for example, but since you are using the application for the MITM attack and certificate is as good as any other, we choose the same.

Research on the content of the CFW, lv1 files, lv2_kernel, category_game.xml, nas_plugin.sprx are different from those known so far used in other CFW, why?
For the simple reason that he ‘changed’ me and not exactly the same, the encryption also increases the differences.
But the functionality is the same as the patches.

Installation is safe?
100% sure there is nothing, not even an official firmware upgrade. Ta is safe as it can be an OFW or CFW of kmeaw.
Of course, I take responsibility for any accidents that may occur.

How I can avoid risks?
- Start from a OFW is ideal.
- Check the integrity of the original PS3UPDAT.PUP, it should be: = CA595AD9F3AF8F1491D9C9B6921A8C61 MD5, SHA1 = a3a0d1c61e17c6a58a5fa247a3dbb51524329e0a
- Check the integrity of the ‘Custom PS3UPDAT.PUP’, it should be: = A3BED5E37E33440EC276AC98A6C2C6AB MD5, SHA1 = a20ec86447a7f087e87e79061fa2e7f430b2a40b

You can help the rest of the steps?
I will not do, for various reasons.
One is that you are using a commercial application, Charles, requiring payment for its use.
I will not give support for a commercial application also know that many are using unlicensed.
This is not to say that let you use it, Charles is a simple tool use, in fact, using Linux with open source utilities would be a more complicated for ordinary users.
Moreover, at this point I think it is a tutorial available to almost everyone.

But the main reason is that some have ended my patience.
And communicated for some time that I have the great patience of others, such as Hermes, which I consider a person with the patience of a saint (especially after the incident of the dongles with your name)
Me, on my patience and tolerance is 0.
And that patience is over because of some who have placed special emphasis on required and especially disrespect.
Anyone who has followed the thread ‘fw Bypass. 3.55 ‘and’ Online with CFW 3.55 Kneaw ‘know the situation perfectly.

So do not expect any other contribution on my part on indefinitely, that is, until one day I want to.
There seem to be ‘ready’ eager to share his wisdom to those who can ask for me,
ready to sow the two wires above their wise contributions, which unfortunately were obliterated dozens of moderation, but with a quick review of the post you can identify their names. Ask them to them.

Regards to all, Happy Valentine

Download File:
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apply the patch with bspatch:
PS3UPDAT.PUP bspatch.exe 3.55CFW-naima.patch CFW.PUP
PS3UPDAT.PUP where is the original Sony 3.55 update
and CFW.PUP is the Custom Firmware, we recommend prove its hash before using it to flash
CFW.PUP to rename PS3UPDAT.PUP for flashing him.

You have permission, and I would recommend to create mirrors of the file.
Keep him credit, though.

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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 22:14
ottimo....speriamo che a breve venga rilasciato un cfw 3.56
domanda stupida: se ho una ps3 con il 3.56 e metto su chiavetta un 3.55 originale lo posso installare?
"Si nasce e si muore soli. Certo che in mezzo c'è un bel traffico."
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 22:19
matteo170693 ha scritto:ottimo....speriamo che a breve venga rilasciato un cfw 3.56
domanda stupida: se ho una ps3 con il 3.56 e metto su chiavetta un 3.55 originale lo posso installare?

No ovviamente, dal 3.56 non c'è modo di downgradare...
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Wii Master
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 23:22
Zer0_byt3 ha scritto:
matteo170693 ha scritto:ottimo....speriamo che a breve venga rilasciato un cfw 3.56
domanda stupida: se ho una ps3 con il 3.56 e metto su chiavetta un 3.55 originale lo posso installare?

No ovviamente, dal 3.56 non c'è modo di downgradare...

Un modo c'è, con PS3GO : Wink :
Se ti serve aiuto mandatemi un MP, io lo ignorerò...
System Menu 4.2
Homebrew Channel 1.0.8 - Bootmii Su IOS
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Wii Master
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 23:29
Chri96 ha scritto:
Zer0_byt3 ha scritto:
matteo170693 ha scritto:ottimo....speriamo che a breve venga rilasciato un cfw 3.56
domanda stupida: se ho una ps3 con il 3.56 e metto su chiavetta un 3.55 originale lo posso installare?

No ovviamente, dal 3.56 non c'è modo di downgradare...

Un modo c'è, con PS3GO : Wink :

Non dire cose che potrebbero confondere gli utenti, il 3.56 NON SI PUO' DOWNGRADARE...
I vari dongle funzionano solo per il downgrade del 3.55 o inferiore...

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Xx_Prince_xX (14/02/2011, 23:30)
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 23:30
Zer0_byt3 ha scritto:Non dire cose che potrebbero confondere gli utenti, il 3.56 NON SI PUO' DOWNGRADARE...
I vari dongle funzionano solo per il downgrade del 3.55 o inferiore...

Ah chiedo scusa. : Blink :
Se ti serve aiuto mandatemi un MP, io lo ignorerò...
System Menu 4.2
Homebrew Channel 1.0.8 - Bootmii Su IOS
cIOS Hermes Rev.5.1 - cIOSX Rev.21 d2x v2 Waninkoko
NeoGamma R8 - USB Loader GX r938 - HackWiiFlow
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 23:41
da quel che so io funzionano solo su PS3 FAT, confermi zero oppure hanno trovato il modo anche per PS3 slim?
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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 15/02/2011, 7:38
Cmq, questo CFW non permette l'accesso al PSN, ma aiuta ad applicare questa guida, Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.
wii 3.4e-Neogamma r9 beta 47-Hackwiiflow 2.0 rev 50.1-Hermes v5.1-HBC 1.0.8-Usb Loader GX V2.2
Ps3 Slim 160 GB FW 4.00

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Messaggio Re: Nuovo CF per accedere al PSN!
Inviato: 15/02/2011, 15:03
già, in pratica hanno solo sostituito il file .cer nella memoria flash così da evitare "errori" ai più sbadati...
per il resto non è cambiato nulla

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