Spoiler: Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.Extract to sd:\
Step 1 Install Indiana PWNS
Play Lego Indiana Jones retail game
Complete lvl 1, make a save file, exit
Goto settings, data management, save games
Delete Lego Jones Save Game
Goto SD, copy Indiana PWNS hack for your region
Load Lego Indiana Jones
When the game loads, you will be in Barnett College. Walk to the Art Room (through the Courtyard), approach the left character on the podium. When it zooms on him, choose the switch to option (two silhouettes, staggered, with an arrow pointing between them).
Buffer Overflow starts, loadmii loads
Step 2- Restore the Trucha Bug
Run Indiana PWNS Hack
Loadmii starts
Load from sd:\,
Load TBR.dol
Select ios36, pressA
Don't be impatient, wait, read, press 1
Select "Downgrade IOS15" - Press A
<Load IOS from sd card> Press A, press A again
Press A to start the install, press A again
Press any button to exit
If fail, try other ios and repeat
Run Indiana PWNS Hack
Loadmii starts
Load from sd:\,
Load TBR.dol
Select ios15- press A
Don't be impatient, wait, read, press 1
Select IOS36 menu- press A
Set the following-
Install IOS to slot: 236
Patch hash check (trucha): YES
Patch ES_Identify: YES
Patch nand permissions: YES
Patch version check: YES
Select Install patched IOS36- press A
<Load IOS from sd card> Press A
Press A to start the install...
Press any button to exit...
Don't forget to restore IOS15
Run Indiana PWNS Hack
Loadmii starts
Load from sd:\,
Load TBR.dol
Select ios36- press A
Don't be impatient, wait, read, press 1
Select "Restore IOS15" - Press A
<Load IOS from sd card> Press A
Press A to start the install
Press any button to exit
Step 3- Install waninkoko's cios57 r19
Run Indiana PWNS Hack
Loadmii starts
Load from sd:\,
Load cIOS-X.dol
Select ios236- press A
Read- Press A
Select base IOS version: IOS57-v5661 -Press A
Select <WAD installation> Press A
Select source device: <Wii SD Slot> -Press A
Press any button to restart...
Note: Some apps give error -ret 1029 when using ios249
Use ios236 to install wads and other stuff if you have this issue.
This issue should resolve as apps are updated to support the new cIOS.
Step 4- Downgrade to System Menu 4.1
Run Indiana PWNS Hack
Loadmii starts
Load from sd:\,
Load Dop-Mii.dol
Dop-Mii loads
Select ios249- Press A
Main Dop-Mii Menu
Online install- install from NUS, this is best
Offline install-install from SD, place wads in sd:\
- IOS wads - Channel wads - SM wads -
Select System Menu
Select System Menu 4.1 (for your region)
Press + to install
Install Ios60-6174
Press B back to Main Dop-Mii Menu
Step 5- Install HBC, DVDx, Bootmii
download Hackmii_1.6_BB2.zip, *alt-B, C*
Extract file to sd:\
goto the SD-ICON from the wii channel menu- load the boot.dol
Hackmii Installer loads
(if this fails to load, extract an alt BB file *A, B, C, ...* to sd:\ Try Try Try again)
Install HBC
Install DVDx
Install Bootmii as both boot2 and IOS (boot2 may not be available)
Prepare the SD-card
Note: Ios patching may invert the HBC screen. Reinstall HBC at completing of this guide to fix.
If Step1 Freezes or black screens, DO THIS
If Step1 fails with error "no vulnerable ios", DO THIS
Step 6- Make A NAND Backup (NOT Optional, do this)
Load HBC, launch Bootmii
Make a nand backup
Press Power, Power, Power, Reset, Reset (or use gc-controller)
Power = Right, Eject = Left, Reset = Select
Backup your Bootmii files to your PC
Step-7 Install Priiloader (brick protection, you need this)
Load HBC, launch Priiloader Installer
Read the warning- press A to install
Reboot wii, priiloader should load
Hold reset and boot wii to load priiloader if needed
Select Hacks- Press A
Enable "Block Disk Updates", and "Block Online Updates", others if you like
If you don't know what the hack does- you don't need it.
Your wii should now block Disk update and online update.
Outdated Channels will ask for updates
NEVER UPDATE YOUR WII FROM NINTENDO- read the forum and do it yourself
Note: Prilloader installer gives two errors-
/loader.ini couldn't delete error -106
/password.txt couldn't delete error -106
*This is not an issue, and is expected*
Optional priiloader settings-
Autoboot to HBC- Click settings, set auto-boot and return to HBC. Your wii now boots to HBC.
Autoboot to USBloader-GX- click load/install, install usbloader-gx.dol, goto settings, set autoboot/return to installed file. Your boots into usbloader-gx. This is great for kids.
You can auto-boot to any app you like.
Step* Optional- DARKCORP installation:
DARKCORP enables backup disks to be loaded from the wii disk channel, without using a loader.
Newer wiis may not support DVD media, this will not fix this limitation.
Download DARKCORP_v1.0_Full.zip, extract to sd:\
Read the READ-ME first, install from HBC
*DARKCORP can used in conjunction with usb loading methods*
*USB loading is faster and is the general preferred method*
Step-8 Wad installs
Load HBC, launch wadmanager 1.4
Select ios236, select SD-card - press A
Goto [wad] -Press A
Select a wad file-Press A, Select <Install WAD> -Press A
8a- Install these wads (Brick Protection)
*If DARKCORP was installed, skip cIOS, only install ios16.wad*
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
Never Uninstall IOS, You WILL Brick
8b- Optional channel Installs-
Neogamma Forwarder.wad - adds a channel that loads neogamma
Neogamma r8 auto.wad - adds a channel that auto-boots disks via neogamma
USB Loader GX-Forwarder.wad - adds a channel that loads usbloader-gx
Step* Possible- Reinstall HBC (if inverted)
Reinstall HBC if screen is up side down
Load HBC, Launch Hackmii Installer
Install HBC
Must read Guides:
Brick Prevention- Things you should never do
Loading and Playing Wii Backup Games from USB HDD
Install IOS202, 222, 223
If this made no sense, or you are looking for more details, ask questions- I can help. Ir you think this guide could be better, I would like your input.
Warning: It is illegal to obtain/distribute backups of games you do not own. This guide, myself, and this site does not support or promote software piracy. Play fair.