am having a problem with the new HackMii installer: it always says that there is no usable or vulnerable IOS installed.
I am on System Menu 4.2U and have tried installing with the "standalone" installer and through the auto-update in the Homebrew Channel.
I have BootMii installed as an IOS, and HBC is already installed and working. I have tested the HackMii 0.6 installer and it works fine and doesn't report any errors.
HackMii installer 0.6 reports that it is using IOS 34 for the installer and IOS 61 for the HBC.
I have used DOP-Mii to download and install these two IOS from NUS to ensure that they are not patched in any way.
Can anybody help? It wouldn't be a big deal except that every time I go into HBC, it prompts me to update and it's annoying.
e nel suo caso si parla di 4.2U,quindi non credo centri molto il fatto delle impostazioni Italia...
comunque lui ha contattato il TT ed ora è in attesa di una risposta,speriamo che arrivi alla svelta...