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[NEWS] USB Loader GX v3.0 (Final & Beta release)

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    Windows 7 Firefox
Messaggi: 11953
Iscritto il: 31/05/2010, 23:15
Località: Torino (o giù di li)
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Cambia il cIOS utilizzato per l'avvio del Loader.

In alcuni rarissimi casi può servire quando, utilizzando i d2x (tipo il 249, boot.dol standard) il loader non riconosce l'hard disk.

In quel caso, a volte il 222 può essere d'aiuto, avviando il loader acutizzando appunto i cIOS di hermes.

Ma è molto meglio avere un supporto compatibile con i d2x.

Per questo messaggio l' autore Actar ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
fcafra (08/01/2013, 20:13)
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Iscritto il: 09/07/2012, 20:12
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Actar ho usato la tua appz x installare i nuovi d2x....

sto usando il dol 249 ...

ho solo notato che driver san francisco si blocca sul caricamento mentre parte se uso configurable...

grazie a tutti come sempre...
Ultima modifica di fcafra il 10/01/2013, 13:28, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Iscritto il: 05/11/2011, 14:25
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fcafra ha scritto:Scusate la domanda stupida ma... le revisioni che segnalate (1204) si riferiscono soltanto ai cambiamenti apportati al codice immagino ma... il dol da dove lo si scarica ? Bisogna compilare a "manina" ???

da qua Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. oppure in prima pagina
"Insieme sono stati tanti i momenti felici e quelli di dolore indossando per sempre il Viola sarai il nostro onore! Tu il nostro Ferguson noi la sua famiglia... Firenze!"

"Il tempo che passa smorzerà il dolore, ma se avrai bisogno di lei alza gli occhi al cielo, la sua stella splenderà per sempre e ci porterà lontano"
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Iscritto il: 01/09/2010, 19:53
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uscita la r1209
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Spoiler: Mostra
* Fixed the bug introduced in r1208 preventing game launching
with non d2x cIOS.

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (21/01/2013, 16:18)
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    Windows 7 Firefox
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Iscritto il: 31/05/2010, 23:15
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Rilasciata la r1211 : Chessygrin :

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* Fixed USB Initialization when using usbport 1
(Thanks Dimok and Dynamit)
* Fixed compiling on Linux
* Added back support for WBFS partition without a partition table
(Thanks PontoonAdmiral for the tests)
* Fixed Wad installation on EmuNAND
(both file decryption and file size)
* Fixed channel's save path creation when using Emulated NAND
* DML: Added Cluster size detection
* DML: Updated DM(L) detection up to version 2.8
* DML: prevent NODISC2 patch if not using DM(L) v2.2 update2
* DEVO: Added Widescreen setting (requires Devolution r188 or newer)
* DEVO: Added AHBPROT detection
* Updated libntfs

Per questo messaggio l' autore Actar ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
matvigl (17/03/2013, 18:51)
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    Windows 7 Firefox
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Iscritto il: 31/05/2010, 23:15
Località: Torino (o giù di li)
Grz inviati: 772 volte
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Ah.. una nota importate su quest'ultima release:
If you used the WAD install menu in the past (even with revision before r1203) I recommend dumping your NAND again to create a clean EmuNAND, as the old one created corrupted files. Even if some games work, the files have wrong SHA1. It could have affected your Shared folder, affecting future installed titles.

Brevemente in italiano:
se avevate utilizzato la funzione per installare i WAD con GX (utilizzando una versione precedente alla r1203), eliminate la vecchia nand e ricreatela.
Quindi reinstallate i WAD.
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Iscritto il: 02/10/2011, 14:50
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lol! mi ero accorto che gx stava perdendo un po' i colpi! pero' e' l'unica soluzione per installare wad direttamente dalla wii. Ricordo che qualche wad installer aveva l'opzione "install on emunand" ma non ricordo quale..
che ne dici actar di moddare yawmm o mmm per avere questa opzione?
Sono vecchio ma giocooooo!!!!
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    Windows 7 Firefox
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Iscritto il: 26/02/2010, 19:44
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Naxil ha scritto:lol! mi ero accorto che gx stava perdendo un po' i colpi!

in effetti non vedo altro modo di definire un progetto in cui uno si fa il culo a programmare giusto per la gloria e in cui cerca di risolvere eventuali bug quando si presentano.
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Iscritto il: 02/10/2011, 14:50
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aspirina, sai se gx funziona bene con il vWII mode?
Sono vecchio ma giocooooo!!!!
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    Windows 7 Firefox
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Iscritto il: 26/02/2010, 19:44
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no la mia wiiU è verginella
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Iscritto il: 01/09/2010, 19:53
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Naxil ha scritto:aspirina, sai se gx funziona bene con il vWII mode?

tutti i loader funzionano bene in vWii, ma devi installare i Forwarder per vWii non quelli per Wii
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Iscritto il: 01/09/2010, 19:53
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uscita r1212 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.
compilata da me perchè non c'è ancora su code.google

Reverted more MEM2 Allocation to prevent black screen when launching a game.
(Thanks Dimok)

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
aspirina (14/04/2013, 17:41)
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uscita la r1213 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Fixed NTFSLib's Mem2 Allocation (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed missing parent folder ".." when browsing a NTFS partition.
* DML: Updated DM(L) detection up to version 2.9
* DEVO: Added F-ZeroAX and TimerFix settings
(requires Devolution Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. or newer)

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (15/04/2013, 7:40)
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Iscritto il: 02/10/2011, 14:50
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ma scusate.. non si chiama fzeroGX su gc? va fatto tutto il gioco pera ttivare l'ax giusto? cosa fa devo? non ditemi che avvia la versione triiforce
Sono vecchio ma giocooooo!!!!
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uscita la r1214 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Added QuadForce 2.0 version detection

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (01/05/2013, 10:08)
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uscita la r1215 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Added QuadForce version detection up to v4.1
* Added QuadForce USB Support
* Optimized DM/DML/QF detection code

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
kimotori (26/05/2013, 16:09)
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Iscritto il: 01/09/2010, 19:53
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r1217 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Changed how video mode is chosen by the loader
PAL now really uses PAL
Force Interlace now really use interlace
Use Force480p if you want to force progressive
Use Disc/console default for auto-detection

This is experimental, please report your settings and tested game if you get
blackscreen/freezes but same settings work with r1216 and you think you selected
the correct video mode.

* Improved GameCube controller functions (patch by Dynamit)
R+Z=Screenshot, X=Gameinfo window, Y=Covers download
* Added Classic Controller and GameCube Controller support
in GameInfo window:
Right stick=3D Cover movement, X=Flip 3DCover 180°, L/R=Zoom
* Added Wifi6 and wifi10 pictures for GameInfo window.
(Thanks OriginalHamster)
* Added device priority selection for GameCube listing
in global Loader settings (SD->USB, or USB->SD)
* Added a "Use global" language setting for Gamecube games.
* Added support for USB devices with modified MBR's signature
to prevent WiiU's format message.
* Prevent Rockband cursor display on GameCube and WiiWare
games with "band" in the title (Crach bandicoot, Beach
Bandits, etc.)
* Added Dol's Video mode patcher in Loader/Game settings,
for games which couldn't be forced. (MadWorld, MotoGP08,
Mario Party 8, etc.)
♦ Region patch = Patches the dol's known video modes
to the region selected in "Video mode" setting,
but keep interlace/progressive references.
♦ ON = Patch all dol's known video modes to the one
selected in "Video mode" setting.
♦ ALL = Patch all dol's found video mode patterns
(even unknown video modes) to the one selected
in "Video mode" setting.

* DML: Updated DM(L) version detection up to v2.10
* DML: Automatically enable PADHook if Screenshot setting
is enabled
* DML: Fixed a bug where multiple video modes could be set
at the same time
* DEVO: Added a prompt if trying to launch a game from a
non FAT32 partition.
* DEVO: Added Direct Mapping Buttons setting (Devo r200+)
* DEVO: Added support for Language setting

* Language files updated: Chinese, French

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (30/08/2013, 6:21)
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r1218 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Fixed missing games in "GameCube Delete menu" if
the "GameCube Source" setting has USB priority.
* Fixed Playlog writing when using Hermes cIOS v4 (untested)
(Requires AHB access).
* Fixed EmuNAND when using cIOS revision 65535 ( issue 2225 )
* Added Nintendont support:
1. Select Nintendont's boot.dol folder in userpath settings.
2. Set the "GameCube Mode" setting to Nintendont.
3. Nintendont share some of DIOS MIOS (Lite) settings.
* Added sections in the Loader settings
(Wii/gamecube/Devolution/DIOS MIOS/Nintendont).
* Updated the GameCube game settings to display only
the selected GameCube mode related settings.
* Updated some menus to support more controller's input:
- Prevent GC/CC X and Y buttons to change row number in
Wall layout (use d-pad up/down only)
- Added GC/CC support to carousel's arrow button
- Added GC/CC support to Wall/Carousel continuous
scroll (+/- on CC, L/R on GC)
- Added GC support L/R and Start buttons in the
settings/homebrew browser.
- Added D-pad support in listing windows if not pointing
the screen. The cursor now moves with the selection
(not very good with high Overscan value)(Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. )
* Changed the StartupProcess to speed up launch time by
using AHB access to read config files. IOS argument in
meta.xml has priority over AHB detection.
* Added IOS58 + AHB support for launching the loader
without cIOS (Wii games and EmuNAND still require cIOS).
* Added a Loader's IOS setting (now Loader and Games use
two separate settings: loader can use 58 and games 249).
* Added LibruntimeIOSPatch to patch IOS58 and Hermes v4 to
get ISFS access and enable Banner mode, Channel's title
and System font with these IOSes (Requires AHB access)
* Added a delete prompt if downloaded cheat file is empty.
* Force all launched homebrew to reload to IOS58 if available.
* Changed Gecko.c to send logs to wifigecko too.
* Changed wifigecko IP to send logs to all IP 192.168.0.x
* Updated French translation.

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (16/10/2013, 22:42)
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r1219 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Changed priority to cIOS instead of "IOS58 + AHB access"
at launch if no argument is set in meta.xml.
* Added an option to choose if HDD should be mounted on
Loader's launch
* Fixed installing games with no_split on NTFS partition
if SD Card is inserted (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed a crash issue when plugging HDD after launch and
mounting WBFS partition for the first time in HDD menu.
* Fixed gamecube game's list when mounting HDD after launch.
* Fixed automatic switching to channel mode if no USB device
is detected.
* Updated Gamecube custom banner's default URL for new install.
* Added support for 302 Redirect HTTP error code
(for users still using the old banner URL).
* Updated runtimeiospatch to 1.5.2
* Replaced integer values with vector in credit page.

Nintendont :
* Removed SRAM patch (unused)
* Added Nintendont svn support. (Tested up to r84)
* Added Nintendont USB support.
* Added a check for kenobi file presence when using Ocarina
with DM/DML/NIN.
* Added a check for controller.ini presence when using HID
with Nintendont.
* Added support for Nintendont "loader.dol" filename
* Added support for r39 bootusb.dol and loaderusb.dol
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Iscritto il: 01/09/2010, 19:53
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r1221 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

* Prevent downloading file if HTTP response code > 400

Nintendont :
* Removed 32k/cluster limitation.
* Fixed video mode setting "Auto".
* Fixed loading cheats from the second device.

Per questo messaggio l' autore matvigl ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
Actar (03/05/2014, 10:26)
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