Version 0.8 : Beta 7
* Fixed Gc controller when updating
* Fixed some DVD drive accessing bugs
* Fixed some changelog displaying issues
Version 0.8 : Beta 6
* fixed a silly bug of UsbOnlyMode
Version 0.8 : Beta 5
* added support for the new HBC
* check apps on USB if SD has none
Version 0.8 : Beta 4
* changed magicword to 0x817FEFF0 (for techinical reasons. old magicwords still work; but it is recommended to switch)
Version 0.8 : Beta 3
* fixed random small bugs
* new libogc -> new wiimotes supported
Version 0.8 : Beta 2
* fixed loading compressed dols
* fixed title menu crash
* fixed installer some more
* Dropped language mods.
* set black background as default
* added argument + ahbprot support for dols
* all dols use IOS 58,61 or 38(with ahbprot)
* EasterEgg removed
* Gecko output will now be dumped to fat:/prii.log
Sta beta 7 proprio non me l'aspettavo: era un po' che era fermo.
Chissà che a breve esca una final.