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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
Messaggi: 5008
Iscritto il: 19/12/2009, 10:29
Grz inviati: 19 volte
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è interessante, ma anche ipotizzando scarichi i file per risolvere il no vulnerable ios nell'hackmii installer (risolvere il problema quando si ha l'hbc è una cavolata), non spiega come installarli dopo...cioè su che ios far girare il wad manager...
Io semino Linux...
tanto Windows si pianta da solo...

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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 20:33
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Vero. Quello però è un altro passaggio che secondo me è indipendente dal programma in sè. Nus auto downloader ti dà i files per risolvere il problema, poi tu devi saper usare o dop ios o wad manager...
Un'altra pecca è che, in caso di dowload per un upgrade bel sistema, non ti applica le patch necessarie agli ios ma devi farlo tu con dop ios, quindi devi sapere cosa fare.
Problemi con HackWiiFlow? Seguite questa guida
Wii 4.2,Priiloader 0.5 r99,Wanin CiosX rev21 d2x v2(38 -> 248 57->249 56->250 37->251),Hermes Cios 202,222,223,224 V5.1,HackWiiFlow v2.0
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
Messaggi: 5008
Iscritto il: 19/12/2009, 10:29
Grz inviati: 19 volte
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si...praticamente ti fa scaricare i due file su cui si installa l'hackmii...stop...

io li faccio installare tramite wad manager sull'ios15 (che in precedenza ha subito un downgrade)...
Io semino Linux...
tanto Windows si pianta da solo...

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Iscritto il: 18/01/2010, 0:11
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 15/02/2010, 1:07
per esempio per il mio Wii FW 3.4E cosa potrei fare? cosa potrei scaricare?
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MY sysCheck
Codice Amico Wii: 1051-8753-5372-8374
Codice Amico Mario Kart: 0690-1348-5199 nick djDavid
Codice Amico EA Games: djDavid86
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Iscritto il: 08/02/2010, 14:26
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 15/02/2010, 17:23
scusate con questa utility posso risolvere anche il problema dell'errore 1035 che con la guida non riesco a risolverlo ???
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Iscritto il: 29/01/2010, 18:59
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 16/02/2010, 19:23
ma secondo voi è possibile utilizzarlo per lo sneek ?
cioè creare il necessario per lo sneek ?
wii black + dvd d2e + drivekey + ciosx rev 20 249 base 57 e 250 base 37
ciosx rev 19 251 base 37 + cios hermes v5.1 + priiloader 0.5 b4 + hd wd 500 GB
HBC 1.07
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 18/02/2010, 0:14
è uscita la v3,in allegato al post!

qui il changelog:

-basically rewrote the whole thing in v3, the source code is finally organized, so it will be easy for me to update when/if new files become available in the future.
-Most noticeable changes include the Options page and a new activity which downloads the required files to use the Fakesign Restorer (or trucha bug restorer).
-v3 has a lot of new features and I'm not going to explain them all, check out the pics or play with the program for a better idea of what's new.
-not going to make a new youtube video as the general usage between v2 and v3 has not changed much.
-German translation of v3 by MechMK1 should also be available soon
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 19/02/2010, 17:32
Versione 3.1 con un piccolo bugfix

-fixed bug in batch mode ("S" was the command to mark the Shopping Channel for install and it was also the command to Start downloading, now the command for the shopping channel is "SH")
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Iscritto il: 25/01/2010, 21:12
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 03/03/2010, 20:05
come si fa a ottenere gli IOS non in formato Wad ma in formato Ticket da questo software?
Wii Bianca, No Boot2, No Dvd-R
Firmware 4.1E, PriiLoader 0.3, Bootmii 0.6, cIOSX_REV19, cIOS Hermes v5, HB Channel, UsbLoaderGx, Hdd 1Tb Lacie
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Iscritto il: 10/01/2010, 19:33
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 21/03/2010, 12:31
c'è qualcuno che ha riscontrato un virus?con avira?
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 09/11/2009, 18:04
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 21/03/2010, 12:36
Non ci sono virus in questo programma e comunque è famoso qualcuno l'avrebbe segnalato.
Se ti sono stato utile clicca su Thanks ma è meglio se clicchi su Donazione e potrai fare un'offerta che verrà devoluta in giochi e altri prodotti di consumo a mio esclusivo uso.
Soldi raccolti: 9.10€
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Se avete un problema mandatemi un PM lo ignorerò.
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 20:33
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 08/04/2010, 10:25
Ci era sfuggita la release 3.1. Aggiunta in prima.
Problemi con HackWiiFlow? Seguite questa guida
Wii 4.2,Priiloader 0.5 r99,Wanin CiosX rev21 d2x v2(38 -> 248 57->249 56->250 37->251),Hermes Cios 202,222,223,224 V5.1,HackWiiFlow v2.0
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 08/04/2010, 21:24
mi permetterei anche di segnalare la pagina dei Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. e la Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!. che potrebbero tornare utili per il download di ciò che ci interessa col NUS
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 20:33
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 13/04/2010, 22:55
Rilasciata la rel 4.0 di quest'ottimo programma. Molte novità nel changelog:

Codice: Seleziona tutto
4.0 (aka 3.3beta)

    * added Download wizard with custom guide generator
    * it can now download apps, including the hackmii installer using wget. Zip files are extracted using a command line version of 7zip (7za)
    * added Wad Manager Configurator (builds custom wm_config.txt files)
    * No longer uses Enfis_SFV check, instead an md5 hash check is performed using FSUM
    * Now included NusFileGrabber 1.1 by Leathl, which now gets 0000000e.app from IOS70v6687 and 00000001.app from IOS60 v6174 for use with SNEEK. It also no longer requires the common-key (so makekeybin has been removed from the supporting exe's)
    * uses the original version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll again (new patchios.exe does not timestamp patched wads, so modified libwiisharp.dll is no longer needed - this allows for consistent hash checks of the patched system menu IOSs)
    * patchios upgrade to v1.1 by Leathl, which does not time-stamp wads (making consistent hash checks possible), it also is capable of changing the IOS slot and version number of a wad
    * Supports upgrading Region Changed Korean Wii's (downloads IOS60, and on the fly it patches it, changes its slot to 70 and its version to 54321 - this will prevent 003 errors)
    * Batch mode, added ability to deselect individual files, select all and deselect all
    * Added ability to save and load custom download cues
    * Added credits page
    * A lot of other minor changes (I think I covered everything major)


    * system menu IOSs are patched on the fly, this can be disabled in the options (having a patched system menu IOS has many uses/benefits)
    * includes a modified version of Leathl's libwiisharp.dll that does not timestamp patched wads (this allows for consistent hash checks of the patched system menu IOSs)
    * settings are loaded differently, now the app will not crash while loading previously saved settings if the filename has been changed (from "NUS Auto Downloader.exe")
    * added a functional Easter egg (don't ask me what it is!)

In prima pagina il download
Problemi con HackWiiFlow? Seguite questa guida
Wii 4.2,Priiloader 0.5 r99,Wanin CiosX rev21 d2x v2(38 -> 248 57->249 56->250 37->251),Hermes Cios 202,222,223,224 V5.1,HackWiiFlow v2.0
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 15/04/2010, 21:35
Ma quando mi chiede che firmware ho attualmente non c'è il 3.4E ... cosa faccio metto 3.2E ?!? Faccio qualche casino ?!?
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 20:33
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 15/04/2010, 22:15
metti "O", Others.
Problemi con HackWiiFlow? Seguite questa guida
Wii 4.2,Priiloader 0.5 r99,Wanin CiosX rev21 d2x v2(38 -> 248 57->249 56->250 37->251),Hermes Cios 202,222,223,224 V5.1,HackWiiFlow v2.0
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 22/04/2010, 9:00
NUS Auto Downloader for Windows 4.0.1

•Added an auto-update feature (this can be disabled in the options menu, if you disable it, I strongly recommend regularly checking for updates manually on the options page, or this webpage [tinyurl.com/nusauto]). Note that I will be updating this program with updates for IOSs/apps/cios installers/guides/etc. as they are released.
•Added more download options to the download wizard if you answer your wii is NOT a virgin (ie. hackmii installer and bannerbomb)
•If in the download wizard you answer your wii is NOT a virgin but you want to download a cIOS Installer, all the base wads will also be downloaded and saved in the right place (previously only the installer was downloaded--but it always downloaded base wads in the past if you answered your wii is a virgin)
•Some other minor changes

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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 20:33
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 28/05/2010, 8:56
Rilasciata release 4.1.0 con un enorme changelog : Smile : :

Codice: Seleziona tutto
-Added the ability to create cIOSs and cMIOSs in wad form for easy batch installation via a wad manager.

Note: that this is done legally, any copyrighted nintendo files are downloaded from their servers directly. The custom cIOS (or cMIOS) modules bundled with NUSAD (made by Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator) are open source and legal to share under GPL. The diff files bundled with NUSAD do not contain any nintendo code, but instead they only store the differences between the unencrypted base wad modules and the unencrypted cIOS modules (so it only stores/applies the same changes the cIOS/cMIOS installers make to the base wad in the first place). All credit for these cIOSs/cMIOSs go to Waninkoko, Hermes and WiiGator, all I did was reverse engineer their work and repack it into a wad (which still wasn't easy). Also note that these cIOS/cMIOS wads work exactly the same as if you were to install the cIOSs using an official installer -- it has been tested extensively. FYI, I spoke with Waninkoko and he gave me his consent to do all of this.

-Download Wizard and Guide now install cIOSs & cMIOS using wads, not the installers. Note that the installers and base wads are still available for download in batch download page and archived download page.
-IOS61 is downloaded 100% of the time when downloading the HackMii Installer via the Wizard.
-The guides now use Multi Manager Mod v13.2 (MMM) instead of YAWMM and Dop-Mii. Some other optimizations to the guide.
-Changed the entire "hackmii solution" option from the main menu, now it downloads bannerbomb (v1 or v2), the HackMii Installer, MMM, IOS34 and IOS61, and it will print out a GUIDE for fixing the upside-down homebrew channel or no vulnerable IOS problems (including methods to fix it if you are missing the HBC).
-Added the ability to select common groups of files to the batch download page.
-Download confirmation page now automatically extends to fit the amount of text on screen (so if you have a massive download list, you wont need to press + or - to expand or shrink the window anymore).
-Download Cues can no longer be saved/loaded on the batch download page. Instead, they can be saved on the download confirmation and download verification pages (before and after executing a batch download), and they can be loaded from the main menu (note, the option to load a download_cue only appears if a download_cue has been saved)
-Added the ability to not only save the download_cue (S), but also to add the new cue to an existing download cue (S+) -- this could come in handy especially now that I have 3 different download pages.
-Added an Archived/Outdated Downloads page to download outdated files (all Stub IOSs can be downloaded from here)
hackmii installer now also saved to SD:/apps/HackMii_Installer/boot.elf in addition to SD:/boot.elf
-Added mmmconfig configurator (for Multi-Manager Mod)
-Changed color scheme (modeled after the ever-nostalgic BSOD, lol)
-Added scam warning/disclaimer at program start-up (hopefully this will prevent people from reselling this free application)
-Added another functional Easter egg, now there are two functional Easter Eggs. Don't ask me what they are.
-other minor changes

In prima per il download.
Problemi con HackWiiFlow? Seguite questa guida
Wii 4.2,Priiloader 0.5 r99,Wanin CiosX rev21 d2x v2(38 -> 248 57->249 56->250 37->251),Hermes Cios 202,222,223,224 V5.1,HackWiiFlow v2.0
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Iscritto il: 23/02/2010, 14:26
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Messaggio Re: NUS Auto Downloader
Inviato: 28/05/2010, 14:13
Sapete se c'è qualcosa di simile per Ubuntu?

La mia Wii:
Wii bianca, FW 4.2E, Lettore D3-2, cIOS Hermes v5, cIOS Waninkoko rev17, HBC ver 1.0.6, BootMii as IOS, Priiloader 0.4 rev 78, HackWiiFlow v45.4 performance .

Prima di fare domande: leggi le FAQ, le Nozioni base alla Wii, cerca tra le guide, usa il tasto :cerca: e se non trovi niente apri un post con la domanda!
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    Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
Messaggi: 2580
Iscritto il: 13/04/2010, 12:16
Grz inviati: 46 volte
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Ecco che il famoso Nus si mette in aggiornamento arrivando così alla versione 4.1.1 X-Flak ha creato una utility piuttosto semplice da utilizzare, questo programma serve a scaricare IOS e altri componenti che possono servire per la nostra wii direttamente da PC per poi copiarla su SD.

Novità :
1.Correzione della verifica il valore hash del Weather Channel, che non lavorava per la versione americana della catena.
2.Utilizzando una nuova versione di WadMii
3.Nei titoli, il nome viene rinominato tj_cool TJ_Cool

Ecco il link del post ufficiale:
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e qui vi lascio l'allegato di questa applicazione ;)

Matteo955 ha scritto:Sapete se c'è qualcosa di simile per Ubuntu?

che sappia io non c'è.....

rilasciata versione 4.1.1

PS. Xabby ti ho anticipato ;)


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