Il coder Attila rilascia un nuovo aggiornamento per il suo homebrew di sistema arrivato alla versione 2.30! ecco le novità:
- Codice: Seleziona tutto
- Removes some informations (related to savegame) in TXT export, to lower its size (the CSV export is still complete).
- Fix the bug that could have changed the Wiimote number during Pimp utilisation.
- Compiled with devkitPPC 25-1 and libogc 1.8.10 (this introduce the support of the new Wiimotes RVL-CNT-01-TR).
- Using threads to try to fix (bypass) the freezes some people got during IOSes scan.
- Utilisation de threads pour essayer de contourner les blocages durant les scans d'IOS.
- Updated the d2x cIOS to v8.
- Added the d2x cIOS v9 (beta 47), available only on the mode "Install cIOS". It won't be installed on "Hack the Wii" or "Pass the test and fix problems".
Warning: It's writting nowhere that it's a beta, but it is. When the final version will be out, you must manually install the new version since pimp my wii does not differentiate beta and final versions.
- Added a little temporisation when doing an IOS reload.