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[NEWS] Wiiflow 3.0 Alpha (rev417/r230)

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Messaggio [NEWS] Wiiflow 3.0 Alpha (rev417/r230) 
Inviato: 11/03/2012, 12:21

Ecco arrivare un nuovo aggiornamento per Wiiflow da parte dei coder r-win, Miigotu, Hulkhodn e OverjoY ecco le novità:

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-Changes from r230 are that the wiiflow default click sounds are fixed now, they sound correct again, they are also smaller, if you have DML view set to USB, you will now see if the game is already copied to sd card, behind the game title will be "(on SD)" now, you'll need to reload cache for that. Fixed the bug that if you try to launch a DML game from usb and its not on sd, and the sd havent got enough space, that it tried to boot the game anyway which resulted in a blackscreen. Also fixed a wrong displayed message when copying from usb to sd. The libpng is now reverted back to the older rev, that fixes codedumps and problems with covers dont load properly. The cache of the DML view will now also reload if copying a game from usb to sd. Wiiflow now also tries to find new installed games better, that takes a bit time and may  freezes wiiflow, option is "extended_list_check" (enabled by default). The long loading time after installing a wii game should be gone too now. Launching big homebrew files, over 5mb should finally work, the limit now is 32mb, not tested that big files, just in theory ;)

-Changes from r224 are that you can have 20 categories and select to view more than one category at a time, if wiiflow finds old 12 categories.ini it will update it to 20. Now custom case colors defined in the custom_titles.ini work again, you now have new colors available to choose from, #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black, #FF0000 for red, #FCFF00 for yellow, #01A300 for green 1 and #00E360 for green 2. For DML the 480p possibility is only set if you have a component cable and your wii is set to 480p or you force to progressive for the game. The problem with the internal wiiflow update changelog is not displayed correctly is also fixed.

-Changes from 217: I'm back, so lets release a new weekly update, not much this time since I wasnt on from wednesday to saturday.
After updating wiiflow internal, the backup boot.dol will be deleted since its not needed anymore after,
booting gamecube retail discs also should work fine again, its faster too now, speed for DML boot should be slightly faster too,
fixed When in 'channel view' and wiiflow is locked the wrong icon is displayed,
its now possible to switch if you want to use b+l/r to switch songs or +/- via wiiflow.ini, b_lr_mode in [GENERAL] section,
the video mode for gamecube discs will now be the same than set in the global DML section in wiiflow.ini,
and PAL60 is now settable, with DML r52+ also possible to set PAL 480p and NTSC 480p.

-Changes from r215 are that the gamecube disc dumper works again, sorry about that, it was broken since r190, also a few things about the new d2x v9 nand emu changed again.

-Changes to r191 are that this rev got full DML r52+ compatility, "dml_r52+" in [DML] section, you can also disable it if you want, with it enabled (enabled by default) means wiiflow dont need to write a boot.bin anymore to launch a game, you can set NMM and the new no disc patch directly in wiiflow (no disc patch is enabled by default and requires DML r55+), as well as debug feature and cheats, cheats are also supported in older DML versions, if the cheats are on usb wiiflow will automatically copy them to sd on start, on older DML it will always copy it into the "games" folder, its now also possible to have gamecube and wii games in one coverflow (if gamecube games are in the same folder than the wii games) and you can also launch them from there, fixed cheat url not displayed, fixed crash when game with a name longer than 64 chars are detected, fixed wrong game title names, dont reload to ios58 when using homebrew launcher, new homebrew view, added full d2x v9 compatility, means its possible to temp change wii region with nand emulator, increased speed of dml game launcher and last but not least the internal wiiflow update feature works again starting with this rev

-Changes from r175 are that everything is a bit more stable, a few cases of codedumping, freezing and not stopping loading times are fixed, you can now set DML video and language options globally, when installing a GC disc in compressed mode (enabled by default from now on) and when copying a game from usb to sd it now shows the correct percentage, its now also possible to install GC Multigame discs. You can also choose the folder where USB GC games are readed from, after first start of this rev a new option in wiiflow.ini will be created, "dir_usb_games=games". You can change the folder name and wiiflow will use the new folder then to read gc games from usb instead. To change songs you now use +/- again and to scroll through the games B+L/R.

-Changes to r159 are that installing gamecube games is much faster now, also works on usb (fat32, ntfs and ext2/3/4), new feature is that you can copy games from usb to sd, just select the game on usb click play and let it copy to sd, this might take a while. Also new is something in the dpad mode, it wont always refresh now and the covers dont move when pressing something on the dpad and you are hovering over the coverflow switch icon

Ultima versione r239:


Qua ci sono le traduzioni nelle varie lingue, compreso l'italiano:

Ultima modifica di niccolo.marchi il 10/04/2012, 0:54, modificato 9 volte in totale.
"Insieme sono stati tanti i momenti felici e quelli di dolore indossando per sempre il Viola sarai il nostro onore! Tu il nostro Ferguson noi la sua famiglia... Firenze!"

"Il tempo che passa smorzerà il dolore, ma se avrai bisogno di lei alza gli occhi al cielo, la sua stella splenderà per sempre e ci porterà lontano"

Per questo messaggio l' autore niccolo.marchi ha ricevuto un "Thanks" da
zenith68 (23/03/2012, 20:45)
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"Insieme sono stati tanti i momenti felici e quelli di dolore indossando per sempre il Viola sarai il nostro onore! Tu il nostro Ferguson noi la sua famiglia... Firenze!"

"Il tempo che passa smorzerà il dolore, ma se avrai bisogno di lei alza gli occhi al cielo, la sua stella splenderà per sempre e ci porterà lontano"
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Ultima modifica di niccolo.marchi il 10/04/2012, 0:55, modificato 1 volta in totale.
"Insieme sono stati tanti i momenti felici e quelli di dolore indossando per sempre il Viola sarai il nostro onore! Tu il nostro Ferguson noi la sua famiglia... Firenze!"

"Il tempo che passa smorzerà il dolore, ma se avrai bisogno di lei alza gli occhi al cielo, la sua stella splenderà per sempre e ci porterà lontano"
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