Il coder X-Flak aggiorna nuovamente il suo ora mai famoso tool arrivato alla versione 6.0.2 ecco le novità:
- Codice: Seleziona tutto
Updated syscheck to v2.1.0.b17 and removed the beta syscheck download as the
latest version should work for everyone. Some minor changes were made to
ModMii's sysCheck Updater feature to better analyze the latest syscheck logs.
Updated all DarkWii System Menu Themes (CSMs and System Menu WADs) to v2
(updated iplsettings to 4.3, thanks diddy81!). The only noticable change is that
4.3E Emulated NANDs with themes installed for their first boot will now also be
able to accept the EULA to use the Shopping channel and WiiConnect24 (other
system menu version's never experienced the problem with v1 themes).
Updated the HackMii Installer video included in ModMii's custom guides. Thanks
ModMii, now match making Mii's in time for Valentine's Day!