Dopo innumerevoli rumors trapelati in rete e i vari dispositivi creati l' ultimo da NO_ONE ecco arrivare da un utente del famoso sito la dichiarazione di essere riuscito a trovare queste chiavi sfruttando un piccolo bug hardware della console.
Ecco il post rilasciato su dal Senior Member TUHTA.
Hello everyone... I was working hard past 2 weeks...
Since i'm not lucky enought i haven't found anyone who can help me, but anyway, i worked out, the method of getting keys,on FW 3.72
Actually its pretty simple
1. Boot PS3
2. Make a trick
3. Exploit loads into ps3
4. Exploit works out and copys keys to an external USB storage device (was a bit horrible but its ok), it actually copies it in the .bin format... so you open it with a hex and its fine,also it gives names so you wont get confused
5.Finally take your USB stick on your PC and there you go
Yeah, hopefully i'm not gonna release actual exploit or any keys for now,before the final CFW is ready to Deploy to final end user... as you might now... keys or exploit means nothing for an end person.
Anyway, the thing is, i'm looking for some people (post in that thread DON'T SEND PM's) who can get something useful with it.
Also i kind look for some end users who can give some ideas what kind of things they would like to have (any homebrews to be ported and that kind stuff).
However,i worked out the Metldr stuff... so i can get below than a factory FW... lets say 3.72 from factory,so i can still get back to 1.00 any console (not sure about slim) but fats just fine.
Another thing is Exploit is actually HARDWARE hole... so it means ITS NON PATCHABLE,like Xbox 360 glitch.. or some.
Great deal is , you can figure the PSN phrase in the future,so lets say sony updated the FW and you don't have new CFW, just generate new PSN phrase and you are ready to go!Its like to be online on 3.55CFW while psn requires 3.72.
So i wrote too much, anyway be patient and please if anybody wants to Troll it, do it somewhere in Off topics threads...
Need people who interested in. End users you are welcome, everything that happens in the Scene is for you!
Cheers everyone...
PS. For proofs, check this thread in next few days, maybe next monday i hope i'll get a few mins for making a video for you!
Leggendo l’intero post si può capire che il developer, sae così si può chiamare, è riuscito ad estrapolare queste chiavi sfruttando un bug hardware della console, non correggibile tramite aggiornamento firmware.
Per il momento però non renderà pubbliche queste chiavi ma sta lavorando a qualcosa per tutti gli utenti. In fondo al post TUHTA dichiara che lunedì prossimo, tempo permettendo, posterà un video.
Sarà davvero riuscito a trovare queste chiavi o è l’ennessimo fake? Non ci resta che pazientare e vedere un po’ cosa succederà, come si dice in questi casi… se son rose fioriranno!