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Cobra USB sarà compatibile con 3.55 nella prossima settimana

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    Linux Chrome
Messaggi: 2580
Iscritto il: 13/04/2010, 12:16
Grz inviati: 46 volte
Grz ricevuti: 432 volte

Il Team dietro l'ormai conosciuto dongle Cobra USB ha reso noto oggi che entro la prossima settimana il loro prodotto riceverà un aggiornamento che lo renderà compatibile con un particolare Custom Firmware basato sul 3.55. In questo modo gli utenti potranno continuare a beneficiare di tutte le funzioni di un Custom Firmware con in più la possibilità di usare anche le novità introdotte dal Cobra USB.
Secondo le loro parole l'aggiornamento consisterà in un particolare Custom Firmware da installare nelle nostre PS3 che oltre ad avere tutte le caratteristiche degli attuali CF in circolazione, ci permetterà in più di utilizzare il dongle USB per riuscire ad avere tutte le fantastiche funzioni del Cobra USB e che potete leggere di seguito:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
** Blu Ray Movie region free functionality
** Allows you to play Blu Ray movie ISO's from HDD
** Allows you to play DVD movie ISO's from HDD
** Integrated support to play PS1 game ISO's from HDD
** Enjoy PS3 games with files >4GB on external USB HDD
* Supports FAT and SLIM PS3 consoles any region
* Supports versions up to 3.50 (console must be running 3.41)
* Play PS3 games from internal HDD
* MCU firmware and flash firmware updatable using easy to use free PC updater
* First class customer support and free regular firmware upgrades
* No need to open your console, just plug and play
* High quality components and materials used throughout
* Unique and built from scratch Cobra USB manager featuring slick U.I. and customized options with easy navigation
*Actel based encryption engine onboard to prevent device cloning
* Fast onboard 2 Mbyte SPI flash for firmware storage
* High quality onboard MCU
* Easy mode selection via switch (PC update, PS3 downgrader, regular PS3 device mode)
* Downgrader functionality included free of charge, allowing users to upgrade firmware to and from 3.41 at will.
* Multi lingual user interface (English, Spanish and French as standard with more languages to be supported later)
** = World's first implementation
Update 1:
•Fixed compatibility issues with some games in discless mode
•Fixed a bug that prevented Cobra from detecting a PSX CD-R if it was inserted too early in the boot process

Update 2:
•Added the ability to play PS2 ISO backups from CECHC and CECHE backwards compatible consoles. Support for the remaining backwards compatible models, CECHA and CECHB, will come in a future update
•PS3, PSX, DVD and BluRay ISO's can now be played without a real disc inserted in the PS3. Support for discless PS2 backups will come in a future update
•Added an option for those users without a PS2 backwards compatible PS3 (including Slims) to test PS2 original games and ISO backups using the PS2 software only emulator which is by default included with all PS3's. Please note however that as the software only emulator is slow and very buggy, this feature is disabled by default and is only intended as a gimmick
•Cobra USB manager can now make PS3 ISO's from backups in the standard "Jailbreak" directory format, using the copy function
•Cobra USB manager is now less strict with cue/bin filenames
•Bugfix: Cobra USB Manager was unable to get the PSX CD-ROM/CD-R title, and displayed "PSX-CDROM" instead
•Bugfix: Under rare circumstances, Cobra USB Manager could dump invalid PS3 discs

Il rilascio è previsto per la prossima settimana.

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Wii User
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    Windows XP Firefox
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Iscritto il: 22/05/2011, 23:38
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io lascio e mi tengo il mio 3.55 "standard" ho visto oggi tentare di far partire una ps3 con 3.41 e chiavetta e i vietcong solo sanno quanto ci è voluto per farla partire.
Meglio un bel disco esterno e amen <.<
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    Linux Chrome
Messaggi: 2580
Iscritto il: 13/04/2010, 12:16
Grz inviati: 46 volte
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beh io ho provato la cobra usb e se sai farla partire non ci vuole nulla sul 3.41 ;) e devo dire che è un ottimo doongle ;)

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Wii Master
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Iscritto il: 30/12/2009, 16:09
Località: Neo Tokyo 3
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Tanto entro breve avremo un cfw con il payload del cobra, poco ma sicuro....
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Iscritto il: 05/01/2011, 18:17
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E' uscita la versione 3.0 compatibile con 3.55, ecco cosa c'è di nuovo
Originally Posted by Cobra Team
** Blu Ray Movie region free functionality
** Allows you to play Blu Ray movie ISO’s from HDD
** Allows you to play DVD movie ISO’s from HDD
** Integrated support to play PS1 game ISO’s from HDD
** Enjoy PS3 games with files >4GB on external USB HDD
* Supports FAT and SLIM PS3 consoles any region
* Supports versions up to 3.50 (console must be running 3.41)
* Play PS3 games from internal HDD
* MCU firmware and flash firmware updatable using easy to use free PC updater
* First class customer support and free regular firmware upgrades
* No need to open your console, just plug and play
* High quality components and materials used throughout
* Unique and built from scratch Cobra USB manager featuring slick U.I. and customized options with easy navigation
*Actel based encryption engine onboard to prevent device cloning
* Fast onboard 2 Mbyte SPI flash for firmware storage
* High quality onboard MCU
* Easy mode selection via switch (PC update, PS3 downgrader, regular PS3 device mode)
* Downgrader functionality included free of charge, allowing users to upgrade firmware to and from 3.41 at will.
* Multi lingual user interface (English, Spanish and French as standard with more languages to be supported later)

** = World's first implementation

Tengo a farvi notare questa voce e a dirvi che molto probabilmente è per evitare il dump della versione 3.0

* Supports versions up to 3.50 (console must be running 3.41)

Da quello che ho capito hanno un CFW che si avvia come OFW se non si ha il dongle inserito.

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