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Se Graf_Chokolo va in prigione; PSN di nuovo out!

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    Windows XP Firefox
Messaggi: 2580
Iscritto il: 13/04/2010, 12:16
Grz inviati: 46 volte
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Sembrerebbe proprio di si… Questo è quanto è stato dichiarato da un gruppo anonimo di hacker nelle scorse ore. Ma ripercoriamo la storia dall’inizio di questa critica e spinosa situazione che ha avuto inizio alcuni giorni fa con un post sul blog dell’hacker.

Il tutto ha avuto inizio alcuni giorni fa più precisamente lo scorso 17 Giugno quando sul blog ufficiale del developer tedesco è apparso un post dove spiegava che a breve avrebbe dovuto abbandonare la scena underground PS3, in quanto i soldi per pagare le varie cause indette dal colosso giapponese contro di lui gli stavano portando via gli ultimi soldi che gli rimanevano e a breve purtroppo sarebbe finito in prigione.
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Originally Posted by Graf_Chokolo on June 17th,2011 at 7:38 p.m.
Hi guys, no money left anymore. Going to jail soon probably because i cannot pay court costs.
But i’m ready to stand up for everything i said and go to jail for that too. It’s not important to win, more important is to show them that we are ready to fight, that they cannot scare me off easily. Yeah, i’m ready to go to jail for my believes and my principles.
Most of people probably think that all computer and kernel hackers are weak kids, hiding in a cellar, eating pizza whole day, writing software and looking for attention :-) Maybe, but that’s NOT me. And i will get out eventually and continue my work. My work means very much to me.
Originally Posted by Graf_chokolo
And to answer your question “What happens with the remaining money ?”, i intend to give it to CCC club so the club could help other guys like me which get sued by SONY or give it all to some charity organization. I give you my word on that and you know that i keep my word.

A questo proposito ecco arrivare in suo aiuto un nuovo gruppo di hacker conosciuti con il nome “Uknown” i quali grazie ad una lunga dichiarazione rilasciata annunciano che se il noto developer tedesco finisse in prigione il team non si farebbe alcun problema a riattaccare il PSN appena ripristinato.

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We wanted to contact Graf, first know that you have our support, we are a team that shall remain nameless, we never, ever made piracy network as is done in recent times . But in light of your circumstances we will review our principles we find scandalous the way Sony treats you, ready to send you to jail just for a misplaced pride and make an example.
Therefore to show our support, we set up a major hacking as a target with the PSN, so I just let you know that it is already playing, so to speak we already know which way to go to reach our goals, we just press a button. Mr Graf soon as you put one foot that we wish you not hear, we press to button in protest and support.
We will not explain how the PSN will be reached to avoid any protection, but know that the fault is and we know how to get there we just press the button to the famous work is already done, we a nice script for this.
To prevent piracy of the first PSN was a joke, here you will bury once and for all, already said goodbye to your shareholders, customers, developers already uncertain about you.
People who think defense argued injustice by crooks, Sony you dare tell your customers that they are now secure and that you have learned from, not but what nerve. We garantisons you have not seen anything yet, if Graf goes to jail you will wake up in hell, you can already put your PS Vita and future PS4 in the trash and opt out of the video game market.
Also note that we have more than one trick up our sleeve, and that we are talking the talk that we as the first step. We planned everything with the sole target Sony Playstation we scattered some do not like with Sony Pictures and others because he must focus on a branch or Sony Playstation for it to fall. As mentioned above we do not correct a predefined script to a button, but much everything is planned, but the first shot to the PSN will have to pass the old hacking the PSN for a damp squib.
You have gone too far now you must pay for the few principles that you have, we have and we’ll show you.
We will finish by saying that for the moment nothing is played, it is you who make the decision to start this or not. As we said to the thing that will be only too Graf is in prison, if it is not the case do not take this into account, but you are warned, hoping for you that your conscience is clean and you can sleep the night, personally we wonder how you made?

Per il momento ne Sony ne Graf_Chokolo hanno voluto commentare questa notizia. Il gruppo di hacker attaccherà davvero il PSN o sarà solamente una mossa mediatica di qualche bontempone? A questo punto non ci resta che vedere un po’ come si evolverà questa situazione.

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    Windows XP Chrome
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Iscritto il: 10/01/2010, 18:52
Località: Sassari
Grz inviati: 163 volte
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ed io li appoggio. Non possono mandare in carcere uno che ha semplicemente hackerato una console, la console è sua!.. Non sta violando copyright!

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Se uno vuole aiutare lo fa perchè vuole farlo non solo per ricevere un thanks.
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Wii Master
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    Windows 7 Firefox
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Iscritto il: 30/12/2009, 16:09
Località: Neo Tokyo 3
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sylverr ha scritto:ed io li appoggio. Non possono mandare in carcere uno che ha semplicemente hackerato una console, la console è sua!.. Non sta violando copyright!

Quotone, la sony è ridicola -.-

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