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LV0 dumpato e decryptato; ma niente CFW per ora

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    Windows XP Firefox
Messaggi: 2580
Iscritto il: 13/04/2010, 12:16
Grz inviati: 46 volte
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Sembra che un coder abbia preso appunti di tutti i consigli dati dal coder francese Mathieulh; riuscendo così a sfruttare la stessa falla del francesino!

Ecco le parole del coder:
Codice: Seleziona tutto
From the looks of it, the files i posted are still encrypted elfs, possibly the correct lv0?


After a few months of neglecting you guys here at psx scene, i finaly got my hands on a new ps3 -.- i know it took forever but im sorry ;(.

Heres my excuse for leaving for a bit..

My father whom i love very much has been diagnosed with an enlarged heart, so with all the things that come along with that ive been helping him out. On top of all that i got a job at Mc Donald’s (lol).

Well anywho im back and i think i got the lv0 for 3.60. Now dont get all exited because im not sure if its what the devs are looking for. I simply extracted it from a FW pup of 3.60, but with that said, someone better than me could possibly get the new keys from it? Im also looking to help out for more research into getting the new keys.

Thanks for being able to put up with my absence for this long (just the few of u that know me).

the pkg i posted also includes lv0.2


I just realized that i might not be able to decrypt this lv0 but i know now that this is what were looking for but its still encrypted…

NVM i can decrypt this but i dont know how to make the file that holds the key, like the ones in the .ps3 folder from team failoverflow.

Or just use the Metldr key? because the metldr key is the first key to decrypt lv0?

I need someone to tell me how to make a key file for the metldr key or find one to give to me, thanks

ok im getting closer to decrypting this self and then on to SCEkrit

Ok i think i decrypted the lv0 file but i cant get lv0.2

lv0.rar Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

now to get the keys?

NVM that ones not decrypted

Now, we still didn’t get any legit confirmation from respected developers whether the files are legit or not but it’s certainly interesting to look at. If it’s the real deal, then i must say good job Warren!

3.60 LV0 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.
Decrypted LV0 Registrati o effettua il Login per visualizzare il link!.

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speriamo, st'attesa è angosciante :P
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