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CFW 3.56 - Progetto ONYX annunciato

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Manual Maker
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    Windows 7 Internet Explorer 8
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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Messaggio CFW 3.56 - Progetto ONYX annunciato 
Inviato: 14/02/2011, 23:14

Il coder EndeverouX, da nextgenupdate.com, ha annunciato che rilascerà il suo custom firmware v3.56 entro la fine di febbraio.
Il progetto custom firmware è chiamato 'Project Onyx 3,56"

Qui le dichiarazioni ufficiali del coder:
UPDATE as of 2/11/2011:

1st of all thanx guys 4 the support & emails, taking friday off work, gonna dig deep today into these pesky rootkit sub-routines, 3rd workstation working like a charm in picking up the speed in allocating classes & variables…recursion of these algorithms is making a bit simpler for me to understand what sony implemented in 3.56 OFW….that’s a rap for now…..peace….

UPDATE as of 2/10/2011:

So now I’ve got 2 issues to work on at once, ONYX 3.56 CFW & a new approach on bypassing 3.56 OFW.
OFW 3.56 BYPASS is EMINENT : Please read thread above.
As far as ONYX goes, I’m adding a third workstation to my server to keep up with the computing demand of my other 2 stations. Both of them are maxing out at 100% CPU usage…stay tuned…peace…

UPDATE as of 2/9/2011:

Now that DNS Bypass has been officially patched & confirmed, I’m rushing to come up with a new solution to get online without going to 3.56 OFW, for more news & info check my other thread.
I’ll assure you that ONYX 3.56 CFW won’t be neglected in light of this latest patch from sony…let’s all just be patient, calm, cool & collected, no reason to panic…….its a cat/mouse game…….. stay strong, dont give into 3.56 OFW…….peace…

A lot of people have been asking me bout project ONYX 3.56 CFW. After couple of weeks of tweeking code, i’m almost done with my ONYX 3.56 CFW,. I should have this done by the end of February. I’ve been working on some key generation issues at the moment… trying to get the root kit bypass to work without sony spoofing dynamic IP addresses, DNS bypasses, and Proxy servers.

I’m almost home free with re-compiling all the coding, I have 2 workstations running diagnostics & deassembling the thousand’s of lines of decoy coding sony implemented in their 3.56OFW….

I know a lot of people have been emailing me regarding my ONYX 3.56 CFW, but please be patient, working a full time engineering job by day, and coding all night it’s taking a toll….not on me but on my workstations, they are running 24/7…..stay tuned, hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be testing the code on several of my PS3′s..

Thanx for all the support and shout outs…please be patient…I’ll keep u guys posted…peace….
Ultima modifica di zotto il 14/02/2011, 23:19, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Manual Maker
Manual Maker
    Windows 7 Internet Explorer 8
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Iscritto il: 04/01/2010, 16:39
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ho aggiunto un ulteriore update dell'11/02/2011 :D

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