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Wiikey Fusion

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Wii User
Wii User
    Windows XP Firefox
Messaggi: 109
Iscritto il: 14/01/2011, 13:16
Grz inviati: 23 volte
Grz ricevuti: 1 volte
Messaggio Wiikey Fusion 
Inviato: 19/01/2011, 21:06
Salve ragazzi,vorrei sapere se posso mettere questo chip Wiikey Fusion Compatible with DMS, D2A, D2B, D2C, D2C-2, D2E, D3 and D3-2* drive chipsets
Compatible with all regions: USA, JAP, PAL and KOREA
* Completely solderless, plug-and-play installation
* No 'soft mod' required
* WBFS Support
* Supports the latest BCA protection found in New Super Mario Brothers, as well as other as of yet unused Wii disc specific protections
* Softcore and onboard flash fully updatable from SD card
* FPGA fully updatable from SD card via JTAG *****
* GUI for configuration and multigame selection
* Configurable update blocker
* Supports loading games from SDHC, SD, and MicroSD cards
* Region override for Wii and Gamecube games ***
* Direct Boot of Wii original, import, and backup games
* Direct Boot of Gamecube original, import, and backup games
* Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode
* Supports multi-disc games, Dual Layer games, and multigame SD cards ****
* Supports NSMB, SMG, SSBB, and other 'problem' titles
* Supports audiostreaming GC games **
* Recovery mode makes it possible to recover from a bad flash or corrupt data in flash
* 16Mbit onboard flash for storing data and applications
* GPIO pads for future extensions
* Rock solid performance Actel FPGA and high quality components
* Onboard status LEDs

visto che sono in possesso di 1 wii nera con lente antmod e fw 4.3
cosa mi dite di questo grazie.
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    Windows XP Firefox
Messaggi: 7168
Iscritto il: 12/01/2010, 14:00
Grz inviati: 373 volte
Grz ricevuti: 2727 volte
Messaggio Re: Wiikey Fusion
Inviato: 19/01/2011, 21:13
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